
You are reading an old version of this documentation. If you want up-to-date information, please have a look at 5.1 .

EYE+ Studio 1.2


Bug Fixes

EYE+ Studio

Hand-eye calibration wizard
  • Hand-eye calibration wizard: a bug introduced in 1.2.0 broke the hand-eye calibration procedure, causing position inaccuracy. Hand-eye calibrations done with 1.1.0 were working properly, only new hand-eye calibrations done with 1.2.0 were affected. The problem is now fixed.



Due to a critical bug, please upgrade to 1.2.1 as soon as possible.

Main new features

Advanced Options for Candidate Detection

The candidate detection step has been split into two new sub-steps (2.1 Acquisition settings and 2.2 Results) to allow setting new advanced options, typically to ensure a good segmentation between the parts and various backgrounds (plate with grooves, holes etc…).

The description of the new advanced options can be found in the documentation (Advanced options).

The part size double slider has been replaced by two numeric values that are now placed into the results. Whereas the previous values were related to the area of the bounding box, the new values are related to the contour. During the recipe migration, which is performed automatically after the upgrade, the two settings will automatically be calculated like this:

  • Part Size min = Contour of the part used for pick point model

  • Part Size max = Previous maximum values (maximum of bounding box) +5%


During production, if you encounter an issue with a migrated recipe, check that these two values are well suited for your parts before anything else.

RZ calibration correction

EYE+ now also transforms the RZ angle into the Robot Coordinate Frame. EYE+ computes an offset angle between the vision’s X-axis and the robot Robot Coordinate Frame’s X-axis, this offset is then applied before coordinates are sent.

Depending on your hand-eye calibration and robot frame orientation, the RZ value returned by EYE+ may be different after the upgrade.

Refer to What is hand-eye calibration? for more information on hand-eye calibration.

EYE+ Studio Languages

EYE+ Studio is now available in French, German and Japanese. You can change the language from the Preferences page.

Additional new features

EYE+ Studio

  • Can download any image either on full size or with overlay in the interface by right-clicking on it.

  • Automatic recipes and settings migration: After the upgrade, the system settings and recipes will be updated automatically. System will be in System Migration state during this time.

Camera configuration wizard
Hand-eye calibration wizard
Recipe wizard
  • Can change the image displayed in recipe wizard result steps using a carousel below the image.

  • 6.1 Gripper Drawing: Can use the pick point as a magnetization target when drawing the gripper.

  • 6.1 Gripper Drawing: Display the shapes size either in calibrated unit or pixels.

  • 7.1 Platform Tuning: Restoring default vibrations now fetches the factory default values stored in the Asycube.

  • 7.1 Platform Tuning: Can import the platform vibration parameters from another recipe.

  • 7.1 Platform Tuning: Vibrations can be tested either with the defined duration or continuously, for example to find the best frequency.

  • 7.3 Vibration Sequence: A default vibration sequence is loaded when arriving on this step for the first time and this can be restored using a new button.

Bug Fixes

EYE+ Controller

  • Fix an issue where large packets on Asycube or Robot Network Port were able to make the port unstable.

EYE+ Studio

  • Dashboard: Rewrite component to increase fluidity.

  • Recipes: The maximum number of recipes is now checked and the system cannot be overfilled with recipes. The maximum number of recipes has been set to 100.

  • Wizards: Prevent double-clicking on start/close buttons.

Camera Configuration wizard
  • 5. Set Asycube orientation: The vision calibration is now cleared when the camera is flipped. This prevents the saving of a wrong camera configuration.

  • 9. Camera configuration results: Remove image from browser cache as this could cause display issues when switching to a different EYE+ Controller.

Recipe wizard
  • Rewrite the component that displays the overlay on the images to react properly when displaying a lot of parts.

  • Prevent the recipe date from being updated when opening or importing a recipe. Now the date is updated only on save.

  • 1.2 Image Acquisition: Triggers the frontlight on Asycube 530 before each image to prevent the LED bars from reducing intensity.

  • 1.2 Image Acquisition: Recipe wizard can no longer be closed while the image acquisition is in progress.

  • 3.3 Candidate Classification: Change the dialog that is displayed when all parts were classified. The previous text was misleading.

  • 7.1 Platform Tuning: Prevent empty values to be sent as vibration parameters on page loading.

  • 7.3 Vibration Sequence: Correct display issues of the before/after images.


  • Prevent acquiring an image during production if that image was only used in a disabled step.

  • Prevent the Asycube from vibrating or lighting up when plugging it back in, mainly when in production.

TCP/IP Communication

  • Only return ASCII characters on TCP commands, especially get_recipe_list. Non-ASCII characters will be replaced by question marks.

  • Opening of the connection was missing from the communication logs.