Recipes list

Recipe information

In the recipes list, some information is provided for each recipe:

  • Status: finished means that the recipe is correctly finished and not_finished means that the recipe is not finished and cannot be started in production.

  • Remote recipe indicator cloud_icon (only if remote storage is enabled). If this icon is displayed, the associated recipe is located on a remote FTP storage.

  • Identifier: Identifier of your recipe. Each identifier is unique. It is necessary to start the production of your current recipe (start production). This identifier is fixed and set randomly between 1 and 65535 (16-bit integer).

  • Name: Name you defined when you created or saved your recipe. You can change it within the recipe.

  • Date modified: Date of the last edition of the recipe.


You can sort the recipe by Status, Identifier, Name, and Date modified.


Fig. 61 RECIPES page

Recipe actions

  • Search Bar zoom: You can search for a recipe by typing in its name or identifier.

  • edit_icon: Edit a recipe. This will open the corresponding recipe if the EYE+ Controller is in the ready state. If the EYE+ Controller is not in the ready state, please check which EYE+ Studio page is still open or if someone else is working on it before you click on FORCE CLOSE STATE (state can be recipe edition, camera configuration, hand-eye calibration, qualification).

  • qualify: Run the qualification wizard on this recipe. With it, you can test the performance of your recipe. It will let you know what you can improve to increase performance should you need it. This option is only available once the recipe is finished and ready for production.

  • move_to_icon (move to remote) or move_from_icon (move from remote): Visible only if remote storage is enabled. Move a recipe from local storage to remote FTP storage and vice versa.

  • download_icon: Download the recipe to your computer. You can share this file with Asyril for support or use it as a backup.

  • delete_icon: Delete a recipe. Please be careful, a deleted recipe cannot be recovered.


EYE+ requires at least 150 MiB of free storage to create a new recipe locally. The remote storage doesn’t have this limitation (you are responsible for ensuring there is enough space available).