

This feature requires a specific license (sold separately).

Multi-feeding enables new use-cases, allowing the system to feed up to 4 different parts using a single Asycube. This feature requires:

  • Asycube 240/380/530 (not supported on 50/80)

  • split plate

  • one hopper for each part type (see Hopper interface)

  • license, purchased from Asyril SA

Since all parts will share the same vibration settings, attention must be paid to how parts are combined. A very heavy and large part combined with a light and small one might not give satisfying results. Since many factors can affect the vibration characteristics, we strongly advise you to perform some preliminary tests first.


Fig. 282 Multi-feeding setup for 2 parts

There are a few plate layouts that are supported so you can use the feature with 2, 3 or 4 different parts on the same Asycube, which you can see below:


Fig. 283 Available layouts for multi-feeding