
あなたはこのドキュメントの古いバージョンを読んでいます。 最新の情報を知りたい場合は、以下を参照してください 5.1 .

Sample program

Here we introduce an example of a program to perform a basic pick and place.


図 212 get_part を使用する自動運転のシナリオ

It is necessary at this stage to have already performed the camera configuration, as well as the creation of a recipe with its hand-eye calibration.

Basic scenario - get_part


  • 1. Prepare the robot:

    • Initialize robot frame and tool.

    • Initialize the robot gripper.

    • Move the robot out of the field of view.

  • 2. Initialize the communication: Call the command EYE_CONFIGURE with the correct client number.

  • 3. Start EYE+ in production: Stop the current state of the EYE+ if needed and start the production with the desired recipe.

Cyclic part of robot program

  • 4. Get the part coordinates: Call the command EYE_GET_PART to get the coordinates of the part to be picked. These coordinates will be stored in the chosen position register.

  • 5. Check if no error occurs while requesting the part coordinates: Call the command EYE_CHECK_LAST_ERROR and check if it returns 0. If it does not, an error has occurred (e.g., a timeout)

  • 6. Calculate position: Create an intermediate position EYEPosDZ from the EYEPos to make sure to not hit anything when picking the part, whether it is the Asycube or another part.


図 213 Path to pick the part

  • 7. Pick: Follow the path from out_of_view to EYEPosDZ to EYEPos and pick the part with your gripper.

  • 8. Place: Follow the path from EYEPos to EYEPosDZ to out_of_view to EYEPlace and place the part with your gripper.

Out of cyclic part

  • 9. Stop EYE+ state: Stop the EYE+ production state by calling the command EYE_STOP. This command will also stop the communication.

Example of FANUC program

Here is an example of a simple pick and place using the registers listed in 表 38.

表 38 Reserved registers for private use

Register number

Register type




Reserved register for internal use



Reserved register for internal use



Reserved register for internal use



Last plugin error raised by EYE_CHECK_LAST_ERROR


Position Reg

Robot position to place the part


Position Reg

Last part position found (EYEPos)


Position Reg

Last part position with z-offset (EYEPosDz)


Position Reg

Robot position out of field of view (out_of_view)


図 214 Sample program - get_part scenario