
あなたはこのドキュメントの古いバージョンを読んでいます。 最新の情報を知りたい場合は、以下を参照してください 5.0 .

Sample program

Here we introduce an example of a program to perform a basic pick and place. This example program uses only the basic plugin level.


図 197 get_part を使用する自動運転のシナリオ

It is necessary at this stage to have already performed the camera configuration, as well as the creation of a recipe with its hand-eye calibration.


The BeforeStart section of the program is the part of the program that is executed only once. It is therefore recommended to prepare the robot and the EYE+ here.

  • 1. Prepare the robot: Move the robot out of the field of view and prepare the gripper.

  • 2. Start EYE+ in production: Stop the current state of the EYE+ if necessary and start the production with the desired recipe.

Robot Program

The robot program is the part that will loop through basic scenario (図 197).

  • 3. Get the part coordinates: Call the get_part command to get the coordinates of the part to pick. These coordinates will be stored in the global variable EYE1Pos.

  • 4. Check if no error occurs while requesting the part coordinates: Call the EYEcheckLastError() function and check if it returns 0. If it does not, an error has occurred (for example, a timeout).

  • 5. Calculate position: Create an intermediate position EYE1PosDZ from the EYE1Pos to make sure to not hit anything when picking the part, whether it is the Asycube or another part.


図 198 Path to pick the part

  • 6. Pick: Follow the path from out_of_view to EYE1PosDZ to EYE1Pos and pick the part with your gripper.

  • 7. Place: Follow the path from EYE1Pos to EYE1PosDZ to out_of_view to place_pos and place the part with your gripper.


図 199 Sample program - get_part scenario