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Feeding Devices

Access the Feeding Devices configuration through CONFIGURATION and Feeding Devices.

This configuration page regroups the configuration for the Hopper and for the Asycube.



Fig. 194 Hopper configuration panel - No configuration


This panel is not visible on Asycube 50 and 80 as they have an integrated hopper that is configured per-recipe (see Hopper Tuning for Asycube 50/80).

The hopper configuration panel allows you to create hopper configuration(s) that you will be able to select while creating recipes (Hopper Tuning for Asycube 240/380/530).


Most of the time, you will only need to create a single hopper configuration, but you can create up to 4 if you have multiple hoppers, for example in the case of Multi-feeding.

Once configured, the panel will display some information about the hoppers that will depend on the type of the hopper.


Fig. 195 Hopper configuration panel - Asyfill Smart Hopper configured


Fig. 196 Hopper configuration panel - Other feeding device configured


You need to have at least one hopper configuration to create a complete EYE+ recipe that can be used in production.

Hopper configuration mini-wizard

To create or edit a configuration, click on START CONFIGURATION or OPEN CONFIGURATION. This will open the hopper configuration mini-wizard.


At any time, you can click on the close icon on the top right to cancel the pending configuration and discard any changes but you must reach the end of the wizard to save and apply your changes.

The hopper configuration mini-wizard consists of several steps that will allow you to set your hopper up.

The first step is to select the type of hopper currently connected to your EYE+. This choice will change the actions to perform on the next steps as we handle Asyfill differently than other feeding devices.


Fig. 197 Step 1 - Hopper Type selection

You can choose between:

Asyfill configuration

The Asyfill configuration is done in three steps :

Asyfill Connection

Fig. 198 Step 2 - Asyfill Connection

Power your Asyfill on and connect it to EYE+ Controller on the Asyfill Ethernet port. Connect only one Asyfill at the time during the configuration.


If EYE+ cannot connect to the Asyfill, follow this quick troubleshooting guide:

  1. Make sure only one Asyfill is connected to the EYE+ Controller and on the Asyfill Ethernet port.

  2. Ensure your Asyfill is powered on.

  3. Reset the Asyfill to the default IP address.

  4. Verify that the Asyfill port of the EYE+ Controller is set to the default network settings (see General Ethernet Settings).

If that issue persists, contact our support team for assistance.


If you are using a EYE+ Controller with the Ethernet cover rev. 0, you can connect to the Robot port instead. However, make sure it is set to the default network settings (see General Ethernet Settings).

EYE+ Studio will automatically check for a connection each five seconds and once the connection has been established, the next step will be available.

Asyfill Calibration

Fig. 199 Step 3 - Asyfill Calibration

The Asyfill must be calibrated before the first use. If the Asyfill has already been calibrated before, EYE+ Studio will detect it and allow direct access to the next step.

To perform the calibration, make sure your Asyfill is ready for the calibration as described in the Calibration procedure. Then, you can click on the CALIBRATE button and wait for the calibration to complete.


As the calibration can also be done using the Calib. button at the back on the Asyfill, EYE+ Studio will check each five seconds if the calibration has been done and if that is the case, the next step will be available.


Re-calibration of the Asyfill is needed in several cases. Check Calibration procedure for details.

Asyfill IP Settings

Fig. 200 Step 4 - Asyfill IP Settings

As it is possible to use multiple Asyfill on the same EYE+ Controller, usually when using Multi-feeding, the IP address of the Asyfill can be changed.


We highly recommend not to change the IP address when using only one Asyfill as this causes unnecessary complexity.


If you have multiple Asyfill, give them unique IP addresses different from the default one, which is, for example, or Make sure to keep the same subnet otherwise EYE+ will not be able to reconnect to the Asyfill.

If you do not need to change it or once you have chosen the new IP address, you can simply Finish and save the configuration.

Other feeding devices configuration

By other feeding devices, we mean any feeding device that is connected to the Asycube using the digital or analog outputs or on the EYE+ Controller using the GPIO cable, such as asycube:hoppers_240_380_530.

The configuration is done in two steps :

Output Selection

Fig. 201 Step 2 - Output Selection

On the output selection, you can indicate whether your device is connected to a GPIO or to an Asycube Output. Select your choice in the list and click on the NEXT button once done.

Output Type

Fig. 202 Step 3 - Output Type

If you are using an Asycube output, you can choose whether the signal will be analog or digital.


The GPIO can only be set to digital. If you need an analog signal, change the cabling to use the Asycube outputs instead.

Finish and save

When you are satisfied with your settings, you can click on the FINISH AND SAVE button that will save the changes in the EYE+ Controller.

You can now use your hopper configuration in the Hopper Tuning for Asycube 240/380/530.


If you have multiple hoppers connected to the EYE+ Controller you can restart the hopper configuration by clicking on the next START CONFIGURATION.



Fig. 203 Asycube configuration panel

The Asycube configuration panel provides information about the Asycube EYE+ has detected and allows its configuration.

Asycube Information

If your Asycube is correctly detected, the following information will be displayed:

  • Asycube Type: Size of the Asycube (50, 80, 240, 380 or 530)

  • Backlight Color: Color of the backlight (Green, Red, Blue, Infrared, Ultraviolet, White or No backlight)

  • Firmware Version: Firmware version installed on the Asycube

  • Asycube Serial Number: Serial Number of the Asycube (only for Asycube with Firmware >=7.0.0)

  • IP Address:

  • Port: 4001

  • Current status: Should be Connected. If not, refer to Asycube connection lost.


Refer to Asycube connection lost if EYE+ is not able to connect to the Asycube.

Asycube Purge

In this section, you can enable the purge system and set whether the flap is on the right or left side of the platform. This parameter is critical as the system will use the corresponding Asycube vibration when purging.


This feature requires an optional accessory (sold separately). Please refer to Asycube documentation on how to mount the purge system at Asycube purging platforms.


Fig. 204 Asycube purge settings once enabled


You will also find the flap motor cycle count, defined as the number of open/close cycles the motor has performed since its installation. We recommend changing this motor after 20 000 cycles.

Table 23 Purging system compatibility matrix

Asycube Type

Firmware version

Asycube 50/80


Asycube 240


Asycube 380


Asycube 530



Should you need to uninstall the purging system from your Asycube, please remember to disable it.


When executing a start production if the purging flap is detected as still open, EYE+ will try to close it first and will return an error codes if it cannot do so (non-functioning sensor, part stuck in the opening, faulty actuator…etc). You may face the same issue if you have uninstalled the purging system but not disabled it. Disable it first and try again.


On Asycube 240, the purging system uses the second set of IO connectors, meaning a second hopper cannot be triggered through the Asycube directly when the purge is enabled. If you need to connect multiple hoppers, refer to the Hopper interface section for additional information.